For End User Customers:

We know contracting and procurement processes can be unique. We are here for the customer to be a source of truth, information, and a trusted point of contact who won’t overstep. Too many traditional re-sellers pressure purchasing managers and other stakeholders without knowing their customer’s processes, challenges, or even their business mission altogether. Our mission is to be a good partner to your organization:

  • We will never pressure your organization or apply other tactics that aren’t in your best interest.

  • We will educate ourselves on your unique processes in order to facilitate smooth transactions and meaningful outcomes.

  • We will serve you during the diligence and education process, through procurement and even after a purchase is made.

For Technology Partners:

Legacy re-seller models too often delay or jeopardize your opportunities to serve customers by being inattentive, unresponsive, overreaching, or otherwise complicating your opportunity. This type of pressure or basic lack of effort can bury deals and hurt your reputation with the customer. With 20 years in this industry, we have seen this behavior become more and more prevalent. At KR2 we will bring true “Value” to the partnership by:

  • Understanding your solutions and working with customers upfront to identify new deal opportunities to help your pipeline

  • Accelerate your sales cycles by gaining access to decision makers, navigating procurement processes, and being proactive and attentive

  • We will always be a net positive to an opportunity and never be a negative contributor